Here is an opportunity to do something that will
Impact The Community!
Help Don make a difference
There are many ways to volunteer,
from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.
Here are ways you can help:

Anyone may join our local group for free; however, if you would like to be a "card-carrying" member of the National Quilts of Valor organization, the annual fees are $10.00. Our group meets the first Wednesday of each month at 10:00am at Satin Stitches, 705 Vandiver Drive, Columbia, MO.
We would love to have you attend the next meeting/work day!
Click DOCX for more information
How to request a quilt:
Identify a veteran you know or whose name has been provided to you by a friend or family member.
Nominations can be submitted through the National website (www.qovf.org)
Quilts are presented annually on Veteran’s Day and throughout the year when a specific need or request is presented, either for an individual or a group.
**Please note: Requests of QOV for service members currently deployed in a combat zone will be deferred until the recipient's return

We bring a national emphasis to our Mid-MO Veterans by awarding hundreds of QOV quilts to local brave service men and women. The warmth felt by a quilt evokes an emotional and physical response that Veterans have not always been able to express. Mid-MO QOV is an all-volunteer organization that relies totally on donations to make the quilts (average $250 each) that are awarded to our Mid-MO Veterans. Therefore, all donations of cash, fabric, and other quilting supplies are greatly appreciated. Click below to learn more about how to donate to Mid-Missouri Quilts of Valor.